Plants help to soften and humanise sterile modern offices.

They are inexpensive and low maintenance. Aim for one floor standing or three tabletops for every 15 sq. metres of floor space.

Plants protect you and your staff against sick building syndrome. They act like mini air conditioners, sucking up carbon dioxide and releasing fresh oxygen.

Plants also release water vapour into the air, counteracting the drying effects of heating and air conditioning, and bringing humidity closer to the ideal 30 to 60 percent range that prevents colds.

Research* shows that plants make people feel happier and less stressed. Employees who feel relaxed and mentally agile are more productive.

A well-designed indoor plant selection communicates a lot about your company’s brand values. At the very least you’ll show you’re environmentally aware.

Plants improve acoustics, reducing background noise by absorbing and deflecting sound.

Plants are portable and multi-purpose. You can use them as a friendly barrier to separate large areas into smaller rooms, or subtly guide people along a certain path.

They make visitors feel more comfortable and welcome. Retailers believe they increase customer spend, as relaxed shoppers are more likely to browse and buy.