exactly the right plants, getting exactly the right care.

The Urban Garden are specialists in providing and servicing beautiful  indoor plants that are tailored to the requirements of your indoor environment. We focus primarily on long-term interior plant hire (12 months or more); however we invite you call us to talk about your particular requirements and  how we can help.

If you’re looking for the  right plants for your indoor environment, we can provide you with an obligation-free survey of your premises, and prepare a costing tailored to your requirements.

Our services include:

Design: Not  all plants are suited to all areas; factors such as lighting, temperature and  traffic come into play. We’ll help you choose the plants that are ideal for  your environment.

Installation: Plants and decorative containers will be installed  exactly as we’ve specified. You’ll have the peace of mind knowing our containers are completely waterproof and will not damage floor coverings.

We can design and build  custom-made containers for your installation or fit-out, and stage in-situ planter boxes as  part of the service.

Maintenance: We’ll ensure you continue to get the most out of  your indoor plants. Our maintenance service includes:   

  • Regular watering and feeding
  • Cleaning, pruning, grooming  of foliage, soil and containers
  • Monitoring growth and  development
  • Replacement of plants as  necessary

Plants can’t do their job properly when they’re sick or unhealthy, so we’ll make sure to keep them in top condition!

We’ll come to you to provide a free quote

The Urban Garden can provide you with an obligation free survey of your premises, and prepare a detailed cost estimate tailored to your requirements.

What Our Clients Say

  • "They took great care to provide the right plants for the right places"

  • "Prompt service, approachable, friendly staff, plants are high quality and look fantastic"